Reflective Blog Page

This quarter I learned a lot about reading and writing, how it varies among different genres, and who the target audience is. Through the secondary sources discussion board, I learned about some tools that I had not been aware of before. I also learned the library databases and how to conduct research better. I learned how to analyze data and use prior knowledge to be able to use what I was researching to create new meaning. I was also able to understand the difference between primary and secondary sources and how to properly cite each source.

Shields Library, University of California, Davis

The assignment that stuck out to me the most was the discussion board about the boat. It was really interesting to read the chapter and visually see everything that was going on with all the imagery the author was using. This assignment helped with the knowledge of conventions. My biggest takeaway from this assignment is how much words and visuals can shape the readers’ imagination. By reading this chapter and then watching the visual representation of the same chapter I was able to see how much of a difference having an auditory component made to the chapter. When reading with the graphic representation I was able to understand the main concepts from different perspectives. The plain text helped me understand certain aspects of the story and use my imagination for others, whereas the visual representation limited my imagination but it helped me share the same emotions as the narrator. For example in the part of the chapter where she is confused and there’s chaos everywhere, the representation shows slanted words that are moving all over the place making it hard to read.

“The Boat” Chapter

Another assignment that really stuck out to me was the blog. This was the first English class in which I had an assignment and wasn’t graded based on so many different restrictions. I was able to write about something I was interested in and in an informal matter. Doing so helped me understand writing in both a formal and informal way. It also really helped with self-reflection and understanding of my writing choices. Given the only guideline was prompt, this blog really encouraged me to think about how I was organizing my work and how to better get my point across. Blogs are very different that five-paragraph essays in which visuals can be extremely helpful in captivating the reader and telling stories.

As a reader, I learned I understand much more when having visual representations. It is much harder for me to understand what the author is trying to say when there are so many different interpretations. As a writer, I really like writing about topics that I am interested in as I have so much more to say and learn. If I am interested in a topic, I am also much more invested in following the different steps within the writing process.

As a design student, feedback is a major component of publishing or creating a product whether it’s digital or physical. After this class, my greatest strength will be following the processes in order to revise and edit multiple drafts. This will be really helpful in my future whether it’s related to English papers or more focused on the visual. Additionally, in UI/UX design there are project proposals and certain writing components that are a required part of the design thinking process which would also benefit from multiple revisions. As one of my design professors said, your first draft should never be your final draft, there are always changes you can make to improve your work!

UI/UX –> Ideally, I want to be able to do both areas: Design and Develop.

I really want to study abroad this summer and am hoping to be able to take a trip to Spain. I am hoping to be able to apply for financial aid in order for this to be feasible. In order to apply for scholarships and receive aid, I must be able to write pretty good essays and be able to share my story. The blogging assignment really helped me evolve as a writer as I was able to practice writing from a first-person perspective. If I do end up going to Spain, I would like to continue to write and blog about my experiences. I think it would be a great opportunity to write about given I will be a totally new place trying and exploring many different attractions. There would be so many different things, I could write about like the food, culture, and work life. Since they may object of the study abroad program is to intern in the field of Computer Science, I think it would be great to be able to design and code my blog to have more practice within my field. This would help me retell my experience and get more accustomed to the work-life within my field in different places and how it varies from the United States.

Barcelona, Spain

My key takeaways from this class are the importance of collaboration. Throughout this class, there were multiple discussions that helped me see different perspectives. By communicating with others, we are able to understand different points of view and be more open to listening to others and their ideas. I also learned about primary and secondary sources and how to conduct research in order to answer underlying questions. I was able to see why it is important to use both primary and secondary sources when writing a paper and how they both add distinct credibility and information to the paper.

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

This class has really helped improve my writing skills which in turn helped improve my communication skills. In my design classes, communication is the most important part of being successful. I have to be able to communicate with my peers and display the overall message of my design. When in the workforce, I have to be able to communicate with my clients and understand their needs. There is a lot of writing behind each new project proposal. By being able to relay what my customer wants, I would be able to take on more projects that meet my client’s expectations.

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