Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!

My name is Elizabeth and I am currently a student at UC Davis studying Computer Science and Design. I love developing websites and seek to explore a career in UI/UX design or as a front end developer.

In this blog I recall my college experience as a first-generation college student and share how I have navigated financial aid. I also explore many different areas around UC Davis indicating places to visit and things to do during your free time!

  • Final Thoughts

    Even though this was for an English assignment, this was the first blog I created. I really liked having a prompt and writing about the topic without having many restrictions. It was a great way for me to start writing more creatively and experience writing a blog. Now having experience writing a blog I am…

  • Reflective Blog Page

    This quarter I learned a lot about reading and writing, how it varies among different genres, and who the target audience is. Through the secondary sources discussion board, I learned about some tools that I had not been aware of before. I also learned the library databases and how to conduct research better. I learned…

  • Blog Post #6: Multimodality

    UC Davis provides many resources for all of its students. Many first-generation students may not know these services are available to them. For example, EOP has a lending library that loans books, goggles, lab coats, and iclickers for free to students as long as they are returned by the end of the quarter. These first-generation…

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